I’m a husband, father of two daughters, and geek of a few kinds for a long time. I’ve played a fair number of board games, a lot of Vampire: the Eternal Struggle, and D&D since the 90s when Ms Gosling handed me a random bundle of D&D books. Very much the ‘always GM’, I’ve run more sessions than I could easily count, and playable characters I could count on my fingers alone.
I’m trying to just make stuff that seems useful, and fun, and interesting for myself and assuming that other people out there might find them the same. So I’ve been working on D&D products, campaigns, one-shot Adventures, short-run Adventures, card games, and my own game system in a few genre Cartridges called Beta Maxx.
Beta Maxx is my own game engine which I've been reskinning into more and more genres. It is a relatively simple system conceptually running off a d10 die-pool type system (so if you're familiar with Old World of Darkness sorts of games it will feel familiar) where your Traits give you the number of dice you use, and your Skills adjust how easy it is to get a success.
Beta Maxx wants you to take your Traits and Skills, and find a way to make them work for what you want to do, instead of the way traditional systems have key-and-lock thinking with challenges. If you want to get a heavy box across a moving walkway, you might use your Traits of Strength and Agility and include your Skill of Circus Arts (because you learned to walk tightropes) to get this job done. So you grab dice equal to your Strength + Agility Ranks, and subtract your Circus Arts ranks off the Target number then roll dice for successes.
At the moment there are already skins of Beta Maxx for the following genres:
In the works are the following genres: